

Crossing the 2 Extremes…

So, yes, after like 5 weeks of extreme slogging and sleep deprivation, the class has entered a sort of post-hustle spasm.  After a spell of like an excess of 8 submissions in like 3 days, now the only school-related things on my mind are:
  1. Hand-dryer

  2. Rhino chasing

  3. M&M Test

  4. Attachment fracas

  5. What’s for lunch later
So, yes, the situation has improved tremendously, and as far as I know, most of our class has taken advantage of this sudden influx of free time to…well…sleep.  Meanwhile, I, of course, am slowly adjusting my body clock back to a healthy 8 hr sleep cycle.  Also, I’ll probably be spending more time in prayer seeking God’s will for me for the next semester and most importantly, the next academic year.  I’m sure God has a great plan for me not just next year but even starting this holiday, and that he’ll equip me with the necessary wisdom, strength, courage, etc. to accomplish it.

Those plans include, I’m sure, the Thailand Mission Trip which I will be embarking on in slightly less than a month.  A chance not only for fellowship and pushing my physical limits, not only seeing more of this great planet God has created, but also to use this chance to have some really quiet time with God and my sisters and brothers in Christ.

And then, if what I’m hearing is true, it’s immediately into the working world as I embark on my local industrial attachment, although Germany threatens to loom somewhere in the darkness and pull me in.  Hopefully it doesn’t clash with the musical, because I sure would like to be a part of something that will draw more and more of my friends to Christ.

There I go again, drifting into religious mode again.  This was supposed to be a snide and witty post of what the last 5 weeks have done to us poor souls in Industrial Design, but I guess I’m pretty happy with how the post turned out anyway.  Humour can wait.  God comes first.

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