

Five Reasons Why This Holiday Timing is the Worst Ever:

  1. No one brings a ball on Sundays……and therefore Sunday afternoons after Sunday school make you feel like the biggest waste because the weather is perfect but nobody brings a ball because it’s ‘exam period’…

  2. …you miss everything that happens during the ‘normal’ holidays and nothing happens now……like the Anglican Churches Camp, the Children’s Camp, the Miri Mission Trip, etc…it’s quite sad because you want to contribute but you can’t…the term’s either started or there’s nothing to help with…

  3. …all that depressing exam talk kinda gets to you……everyone’s talking about what papers they have coming up…and how screwed their Prelims were…it kinda puts a downer on your day…not that I blame them of course…it’s not their fault…it’s just the overall…‘stressfulness’ they exude…and I guess it’s only natural in this period…

  4. …everybody’s studying while you’re actually putting effort trying to find something to do…and they want a piece of you because of it……you’re just bumming around the house…meanwhile, everybody else is working their socks off while you’re trying to find something to do…I’d be surprised if they don’t want a piece of me…

  5. …and you feel guilty about it……well, as much as I have the right to say I’ve worked my socks off the last semester and so I deserve this time to slack, ha ha ha…it’s still quite weird going through this period of time when everybody is so stressed and I’m just so uncomfortably relaxed…and to be honest I feel quite guilty that everybody is going through such a difficult time and I’m just relaxing away…but of course they’re not to blame…it’s not like they’re purposely trying to make me feel bad…in fact they’ve been nicer than expected…it’s just the whole…atmosphere…of tension…

Oh, and just a footnote…yesterday’s piano thingy was really by the grace of God…by His grace…somehow the keyboard changed its sound and it fit perfectly…and for the whole day…my fingers were like possessed…it was really moving by the Spirit, and I thank You Lord, that You have blessed me so greatly, that I could honour Serene Jie Jie and Jeffrey Kor Kor and glorify You through Your gift of music in me…thank You Lord…          

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