...and for a small fee, we will gladly allow YOU, yes you people out there to relive this groundbreaking event from the comfort of my own home...
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Starring: Giant Zucchini the Fart with the Fractured Finger, Sandstorm the Australian, Tachyio the Digital, Sniper the Gunner, Lim the Silent, Crawldaddy the Loud, Michy da Boss, Joshua the Soloist, Joshua the Cousin, Jonathan the Cousin, Shaun the Cousin, Matt the Big, Ilango the Forgiven, Axton the Pianist, Simon the Drummer, Spewspittle the ACSI Person, Yiwei the Doc, Yijie the Crazo, Kimchi Jong the Ill, Snowstorm the Senior Technical Director, The Khan, The Squid, Chairman Joe, etc.
Confucius say...