

The Situation in My House…

(The original conversation was in Cantonese.  For the benefit of the general public, I will translate it for you all.  Also, it has been shortened from it’s original length of about 10 minutes.  You guys better be grateful…;D)

Daddy: I just brought back some walkie-talkies, so that you (grandma) can contact Auntie Lita downstairs.  It’s very easy.  Just press the button to talk, and then let go to hear.

Grandma: Hello, Hello…

Daddy: NO, you have to PRESS to talk.

Grandma: Oh. *press* Hello, Hello…

Daddy: NO, you have to LET GO to hear anything.

Grandma: Oh OK. *let go*

Daddy (through WT): Can you hear me?

Grandma: Ya, I can hear you.

Me: NO, you have to PRESS to talk.

Daddy (shouting from upstairs): YOU HAVE TO PRESS TO TALK!

Grandma: Oh OK. *press* Ya I can hear you.

[short pause]

Daddy (shouting from upstairs): YOU HAVE TO LET GO TO LISTEN!

Grandma: Oh OK. *let go*

Daddy (through WT): Can you hear me now?

Grandma: *press* Ya I can hear you.

Me: Grandma, let go.

Grandma: Oh ya… *let go*

Daddy (through WT): OK

[Daddy walks outside]

Daddy (through WT): Can you hear me?

Grandma: What are you doing outside?

Me: You have to press.

Grandma: Oh. *press* What are you doing outside?

Me: Now you have to let go.

Grandma: Huh?

Me: Let go.

Grandma: Oh. *let go*

Daddy (through WT): …me?

Grandma: *press* Huh?  What?

[short pause]

Daddy (shouting from outside): YOU HAVE TO LET GO TO LISTEN!

Grandma: Ah boy ah, this phone is too hard for me to use, you use with Daddy hor.

Me: It’s not a phone, it’s a walkie-talkie.

[short pause]

Grandma: Uh, yeah, whatever.

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