

Yesterday was not a bad birthday. Much progress on the Gladiator flipper bot. Snowstorm the Technical Director dropped by to help out a bit on the bot. So did Chairman Joe, although help he did not. Went down to Sinta to change the relay chip. Not so nice news. Anyway, tried our luck again today, but you'll get back to that.

Anyway, after that it was down to Matt the Big's house for dinner. Watched the Euro 1972 finals between West Germany and USSR. NO LEV YASHIN!!! Anyway, got Beckenbauer, Maier, etc...good enough for Giant Zucchini. Then dinner. Fried rice. Lots of it. After that, went down to Mich the Rugger's house for cell group.

Rather interesting, actually. Sang this new song and Giant Zucchini had to play the piano. Totally blur. And then Mich the Rugger just came down from her room...and had to sing. Even more blur. So he blurly play and she blurly sing and Weiqiang the Sound Man blurly strum, but in the end they finally got the song going and it ended up quite alright. Had a deep discussion on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Then, they celebrated Giant Zucchini's birthday. This time, Mich the Rugger played the piano and Giant Zucchini just stood around looking inconspicuous. Anyway, after that, had a good supper, lots of egg tarts, found out more about NYP while talking with Weiqiang the Sound Man. After that, it's back home, nice sleep, sweet dreams. Not a bad birthday, actually...the company made all the difference.

Talking about his birthday, Weiqiang the Sound Man asked him what his wish was. Didn't tell him, but he'll say it here. Don't want to sound overly religious, but all he asks is for the Lord's Will to be done in his life and in the lives of all related to him. Of course, that's not all, have other personal stuff he won't mention here too, but most important is the Will of God to prevail.

So that settles his birthday yesterday.

On to today. In school at 8 in the morning. Snowstorm the Technical Director was there early. Continued massive work on the Gladiator flipper bot. Then Lim the Silent came, followed by The Khan. Finished drilling all the holes on the bot, then got to bending. It's fun trying to bend 3mm aluminium. And easy too! Just follow these simple instructions:

1. Carry the anvil to the vice and clamp it.

2. Position the aluminium along the right angled edge.

3. Whack it with all your might with an appropriate wooden mallet.

4. Try to ignore the stares you get from causing all that ruckus when the mallet smacks the aluminium.

P.S.: Screaming at the top of your lungs is recommended when trying to communicate while bending.

Sniper the Gunner popped by to have a look at our bot. Helped a bit with the assembly. It's now about 50% done. Just before the workshop closed, they rushed to get a few nooks and crannies to fit. In the end, couldn't go for testing because...drum roll...they left the axle in the workshop. Intelligence personified by Giant Zucchini and his crew. So after that they dismissed ourselves from the school, and Giant Zucchini had lunch with Lim the Silent and Sniper the Gunner in the coffeeshop outside the school. After that, his father fetched him from the bus-stop back home, as he was lugging the robot as well as another relatively heavy plastic bag. After that, it was back to COGS for choir practice. Tried to do something with the bot there. His father suggested some kind of plastic skid to ease the friction at the back. Fair enough. Anyway, no a capella today...looks like everything is going to have to be rushed. Just like his piano! Which reminds him, he'd better get back to practising his piano for his mock exam tomorrow...

Some things don't change, but no pressure brudder...

Buddy Jewell, up there with the best.

Today I Started Loving You Again

Today I started loving you again
I'm right back where I've really always been
Got over you just long enough to let my heartache mend
Then today I started loving you again

What a fool I was to think I could get by
With only these few million tears I've cried
I should have known the worst was yet to come
And that crying time for me had just begun
Cause today I started loving you again

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